As winter slowly retreats, the promise of spring holds my heart in its hands. What better timing then, to usher in this exciting news.
Over the past year I have learned a lot about running my own photography business, and if there’s anything I can tell you from my personal growth experience, it’s that you gain the most knowledge from the things you might initially frame as setbacks.
When I set out with Wildflower there was a lot I didn’t know, but a hope and a longing buried in my heart that kept me from succumbing to fear of judgement and failure. A deep desire to create things of beauty for others to admire and keep forever. To branch into using my art as my main gig, connecting financial resources to this thing that I love to do.
I am still getting there, of course, and with this next phase comes a bright, sparkling moniker, like motes dancing around in a beam of light. Dusted Light Photo Co. My new baby.
Wildflower came to me organically. I grow wildflowers in my garden each summer - they’re my favorite flowers. I described them recently as “freaky little weeds.” They’re beautiful and utterly themselves. Some of my old stubborn energy clung to the naming process. I liked Wildflower, so I used it. Later I learned that many, many also like that name (this is obvious in hindsight) including a local Columbus photographer who’s quite successful and well established. It felt disrespectful to keep it, or if not disrespectful, rather unsupportive of another nearby artist.
So I made something that’s just mine. I researched, ensuring that it was one of a kind, bounced ideas off of friends, and spent a few weeks sitting with the change. I knew it would be a headache to alter branding, editing websites and pages and business cards, but that it was necessary. If I knew then what I know now, I would definitely advise me from a year ago to do some leg work and put some deliberate consideration into the name. It should still be a gut thing, of course, but there’s a certain strategy that comes to play when business is involved.
I am pouring resources I haven’t yet accessed before, creating material that keeps me itching out of my skin from its sheer vulnerability.
Here’s something I believe: the world won’t open up to you if you don’t do it first.
I am so, so grateful to this experience. The moments of anxiety before meeting strangers who’ve entrusted me to capture this moment of their lives. Exploring new-to-me nooks of Ohio. Trying out strange techniques to recreate inspo pics…sometimes nailing them, sometimes flopping. There’s always something to discover, and everything about the process, even the stressful bits, makes me feel alive.
I have special things in the works and many more left to create. Hit me up with any dreams or suggestions - this process is all about being open and letting the light shine out. I couldn’t be more excited to create with and for you.